Video Update from Merchants Bonding Company
August 19, 2020
In a video message, Merchants Bonding Company President Larry Taylor updates associates, agent partners and bond holders on Merchants’ results through June 2020, new accomplishments and the plan for associates as they slowly return to work.
“A lot has happened since my message to you in late April,” says Taylor. “And despite the COVID-19 crisis, I can continue to reassure our associates, agent partners and bond holders the first half of 2020 has been very positive for Merchants. Our revenue has increased and our profit is actually at an all-time high.”
Associates have continued to keep in contact with agents, pivoting towards digital communication with virtual meetings, webinars and more digital marketing materials.
Our results reflect the great partnerships we have kept with our agents and through the first six months of 2020 Merchants is up nearly three percent in direct premium and our loss ratio continues to stay low at 2.3 percent.
As Merchants prepares to return to work, we are focusing on being safe and smart while continuing to find new ways to grow our relationships, emphasize being a common sense partner and truly live our Merchants Commitment to guarantee your investment in tomorrow.
From everyone at Merchants, thank you for a successful first six months and please, stay safe!