Fidelity Bonds

Employee dishonesty is a widespread problem

At Merchants Bonding Company, we help mitigate this risk through our fidelity bond options. With ERISA bonds and three easy Theft Guard options to choose from, Merchants has a simple application process that offers protection for businesses from loss incurred by dishonest acts of employees.


Theft Guard Standard

Theft Guard Pro

 Theft Guard Janitorial

For businesses with more exposure (like convenience stores, businesses with salespeople, non-profit businesses with employees covered). For professional businesses (like accountants, architects, physicians, dentists, insurance agents and attorneys). For a janitorial service that has exposure to employee dishonesty from the employee entering a customer's premises.
Provides coverage if an employee steals from a customer or subscriber of the business service. Coverage applies when an employee steals from the professional business; not if the employee steals from a customer or subscriber. Provides coverage to the employer for an employee who steals from a subscriber or customer of the business.
Contains conviction clause. No conviction clause. Contains conviction clause.
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While many varied factors contribute to employee theft, we strive to uphold a "second line of defense" for you and your clients. To learn more about Theft Guard, email Our commercial team looks forward to assisting you in getting the coverage your clients and their customers need.

With the ever-increasing growth of employee theft, we want to provide our agencies with a product for acts of employee dishonesty. We believe the timing is excellent to introduce Theft Guard. Theft Guard fits well for those building a package of insurance on a small business.

The information contained herein is provided "as is" and solely for general informational purposes and is not intended to be a solicitation or an offer to sell in connection with any product or service, nor is the information a complete description of all terms, conditions and exclusions applicable to the products and services described. For complete descriptions of all terms, conditions and exclusions of the products and services offered by Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual), subsidiaries and affiliated writing companies, please contact your bonding and insurance agent.

Rates are subject to change at any time and may differ from those stated herein; please contact your bonding and insurance agent for applicable rates. Products and services referenced herein may not be available in all jurisdictions, and the effect/applicability of policy provisions including the "conviction clause" language are subject to the laws of the jurisdiction in which the policy is issued and/or the jurisdiction where the loss is incurred, please contact your insurance and bonding agent for additional information.

Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual) believes that the information provided by it is accurate at the time it is posted on this site. However, while Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual) periodically reviews and revises the information it provides on this web site, Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual) does not warrant the accuracy of the information provided by it at the time it may be accessed by visitors to the site.