May 30, 2023

Merchants Bonding Company Foundation needs your help to stack up supplies to stock up the Stork's Nest store. EveryStep's Stork's Nest program is an important support network for disadvantaged families in our community. The program uses a 'learn and earn' model in which participants can earn points by taking part in educational opportunities like prenatal classes, or engaging in healthy behaviors like smoking cessation. The points they earn can then be spent at the Stork's Nest store for essential items to give their babies a safe and healthy start in life.

Supply Drive

The Foundation's Stack Up to Stock Up supply drive aims to stack up as many supplies as possible for the Stork's Nest store. The store provides everything from cribs to car seats, blankets to binkies, and of course, diapers! Did you know the average baby will need 2200 diapers just in their first year ? Even buying in bulk they're about $50 a box, that adds up quickly! The Foundation's premiere fundraising event, the Bill Warner Sr. Memorial Charity Golf Classic will provide much of the funding for this drive. You can SIGN UP HERE or DONATE HERE.

By The Numbers

The Stork's Nest program is an enormously successful community-driven initiative. In 2022 alone the program

- served 1,394 participants, all considered low-income

- redeemed points to provide 108 cribs and 242 car seats along with other essentials

- provided language interpretation for 70% of its clients who speak seven different languages including English, Arabic, Spanish, Burmese, Karen, Nepali & Swahili

- worked with 32 partner agencies to refer and recruit participants

- increased engagement making these the top 5 healthy behaviors; attending prenatal appointments, attending well-child checkups, completing postpartum medical visits, adopting family planning practices, receipt of immunizations

Your donation can help EveryStep continue their important work so please consider helping us Stack Up to Stock Up! 

Watch to see how EveryStep's Stork's Nest program fills gaps in our community.